I have 5D but as far as organizing them here is my method and why. Hope you can make sense out of my babbeling. When I am done, I erase the file from my stick and put on only the ones I want to work with. Now I don't have to try to figure out, if I have the correct one. When I want to embroider lets say #52 flower, I transfer the file to a clean (not my back up one) USB stick and put that one in my machine. I can open and see my files with Wilcom (free) and it is a lot clearer than on the PE770. So, when I want to look for something, I don't have to go through all my files,but only through the catagory I need. I use the same number for each corresponding embroidery file. I like to do that, because sometimes I want to take my picture book with me and I don't always take my computer. When the page is filled up, (I get about 9 picture with info on one page),I print them out and put them into a binder. I number all my individual files (1,2,3 etc) and use that number underneath my picture. I also divide these again, such as roses, tulips, and if I don't know what flower it is, in a general file, such as misc. I catagorize the pictures, such as flowers, animals., etc. When I see the file on the computer (picture) I transfer the picture to a word document. I downloaded a lot of freebies when I got the machine and I did the following.